What am I? Not a Serama


Jul 1, 2020
Small town in Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
Hello everyone! Yesterday I have 5 little angles hatch from under my broody hen. I purchased the eggs online from Florida, an NPIP certified family farm. Today after inspecting all the chicks, I noticed that one of the all black chicks has fluffy feet. I know that will end up being feathers. His build is a bit different to. I first thought the egg may hav gotten mixed up and be a Cochin bantam, but he's all black, not a speck of different color on his lil fluffy body. He's build is a bit different to, not as lanky as the Serama's. I'll ask the breeder what she thinks he may be as well.
Pics coming, waiting for my phone to finish charging. Any guesses for the time being?
Just messaged her and she responded very quickly. She said it was likely a Satin or a Silkie, since family members accidentally wrote Serama on some Silkie eggs and she thought she caught then all. The Satins and Silkies are in the same pen though, so I'm getting her and this thread a photo to determine breed.

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