What am I supposed to do with all the bantam rooster?

guinea fowl galore

10 Years
May 12, 2009
Obviously if you hatch out chicks your going to get roosters. So what am I supposed to do with them all? I might be able to sell a few, but probably not many. But then it just seems wrong to eat them.

What do YOU do with your tiny roosters?
I would take him to a hippy guy who lives an hour away on many many acres and takes in unwanted but not-to-be-eaten roosters! That's where my chicks will go if they grow up roos!

He slowly tries to rehome the purebreds, the rest just live out their years there. He has some ANCIENT roos lol Darn noisy there though lol

I have heard of people eating them and treating them like quail lol
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keep them! the best part of bantams over standards is not that they eat less and take less space, but that you can have alot more roosters without carnage. Right now I have a flockfor winter put together with 16 roosters and 14 hens.... no fights, just put them all together. Just try to keep a few and sell a few... all my bantam breeding flocks have 3 boys minimum... turns out to be 2 hens for every roo. I couldn't do that with standards.
I also eat any excess birds. Nothing tastes better than a bird you raised yourself.

Good luck.
I can't keep them, that's for sure. They're over mating the hens as it is. I've got pens filled with roosters.
I may be able to eat them in the future. But I'm just getting used to eating the big boys. I'd don't think I'd handle a tiny one just yet.
The tiny ones don't look (dressed out) much different from the little cornish game hens you buy at the store. As you are discovering smaller size can sometimes mean XXL sized problems.

If you can't sell/give them away on craigslist perhaps you can put up a notice at the feed store? Also, have you considered advertising them at ethnic groceries? You might be able to sell them for a few dollars that way.


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