What am I


12 Years
Jan 8, 2008
Milaca, MN
Can anyone tell me what this little chick is. It is suppose to be an americana, but I have seen several chicks that look like this that aren't. I ordered americana's.
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One problem regarding Ameraucanas is that they come in so many colors! I think my Dahlia is an Ameraucana. NYREDS, a member of this forum thinks she is a blue Ameraucana, but couldn't swear because she is so young in the picture he saw and she wasn't posing properly. Here is a picture of her a little older and standing. What do y'all think? She looks more black than blue to me, but I don't even know how to tell the difference in an EE and an Ameraucana. I've read the best way to assure you get a pure Ameraucana is to order from a breeder instead of a hatchery. Dahlia was a freebie from Dixiebirds in Florida (see Dixiebirds.com) who sent the silkie Serama breeder pair I won on Ovabid.com. If she is the real Ameraucana, you might want to get in touch with Dixiebirds to get some.

There are always exceptions so the best way to see if they are "pure" so to say, is to compare them to the APA standard of perfection for the breed to see if the characteristics match up right. I'm not an EE expert though.
Here is a link or pictures from an Ameraucana Standard site! There was no mention of leg/shank color in the standard! I found pics of chicks with yellow legs here. Dahlia does look just like the blue Ameraucana pictures of the bantam. I thought she was going to be a large bird, but it may be too soon to tell. I would think she would be much larger by now even though she is growing. The only thing I notice missing (could be because she is still young) is the presence of muffs and beard which would disqualify her in a show.


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