What am I?


My Patronus is a Chicken
11 Years
Apr 22, 2008
Hi, I am an adorable chick owned by people who have never had chickens before. They have no idea what breed I am and think I am suffering from breed confusion. Can anyone help me find my true identity?

looks just like my babies that have been sworn to be RIRs. I know; I thought they'd be darker too, but they're supposed to get markedly darker as they get their permanent feathering. We'll see...
Ameraucanas have slate legs, except perhaps the white color. She could still be an Easter Egger, who do often have greenish-yellow legs or willow legs, but not always. Since Easter Eggers are mixed breed chickens, there is no standard for leg color. She seems to have slightly poufy cheeks in that pic, but it could just be the picture. Definitely NOT a RIR.
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She is a very pretty chick. Guess I don't really care what she is as long as she lays eggs!
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