What am I??


7 Years
May 31, 2012
Crocker, MO
When we bought our chicks at Meyers 18 weeks ago we purchased 5 Easter Eggers (and some other hens)

we have 4 of the Easter Eggers left and 3 clearly look like EE, but this one is just so different, I has no beard whatsoever and it's just different.
What do you guys think?

she is also the most flighty of them all and it's so hard to get a good picture. i did take all of these today.

She's very pretty!

The pea comb and overall look make me think she is indeed an easter egger, just a different mix than the classic look. Hatcheries infuse lots of different things into their stock to boost production, and since their big goal with easter eggers is hens that lay colored eggs, the type can be all over the place. I guess you'll know for sure when she lays!
I can't wait to see her eggs. she was very ugly for a long time but within the last week or so she really turned out to be a beauty!

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