What are chooks?

Here in Brazil, girls don't wear bikinis all the time and don't live almost naked as Carnival shows the world...
Back to the Aussie talk, I was reading an article about Chuck E. Cheese having his birthday this week. They don't call them Chuck E Cheese in Australia. Apparently, chuck means to vomit down there. So what do they call the annoying mouse pizza joint down under? The article did not say.
Here in Brazil, girls don't wear bikinis all the time and don't live almost naked as Carnival shows the world...
You mean you don't all look like Adriana Lima? My husband will be crushed.
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Back to the Aussie talk, I was reading an article about Chuck E. Cheese having his birthday this week. They don't call them Chuck E Cheese in Australia. Apparently, chuck means to vomit down there. So what do they call the annoying mouse pizza joint down under? The article did not say.
Wonder if that's where "up chuck" came from?

I think that's a stupid US thing.
I hate that place - only place that's worse is John's Incredible Pizza.
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So, tell me about vegemite? What the heck is that stuff made of? I was warned that it was disgusting, so I haven't tried it yet - and I'm game for trying just about anything food wise. Never ever, ever, EVER will try balut though
That's just nasty!

Tried caviar once (hey, I was 13 and didn't know what it was) and I about gagged. Spit it out FAST! Tried pate once too - never again.
Back to the Aussie talk, I was reading an article about Chuck E. Cheese having his birthday this week. They don't call them Chuck E Cheese in Australia. Apparently, chuck means to vomit down there. So what do they call the annoying mouse pizza joint down under? The article did not say.

here it means to throw... i think i will google it later
Chuck is to throw up here . So to up chuck is correct. Chucky cheese we don't have here. So what is it? Vegemite is my favourite breakfast spread on toast. it's a yeast spread high in b vitamins and niacin. It is an aquired taste so if you ever try it spread it very thinly. It's about as aussie as a meat pie or pavlova or bangers and mash.
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