What are chooks?

Unfourtunatly, they aren't all like[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Adriana Lima, but it wouldn't be a bad ideia... [/FONT]
So, tell me about vegemite? What the heck is that stuff made of? I was warned that it was disgusting, so I haven't tried it yet - and I'm game for trying just about anything food wise.

There is a trick to eating vegemite. Make some toast and remember you need to put on about 3 X as much butter as vegemite. Spread the butter on thick... then just a tiny bit of vegemite. It's salty and yummy that way.. but probably nothing like you have ever tried before on toast!

and what the heck is Chuck E Cheese?
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I thought biddy was because they stand around chatting and clucking like old biddies when they're older.

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