What are "Gold sex links"?


10 Years
Feb 23, 2009
Hi- I'm trying to find a chick to go with my chick Buff Orpington. Our local feed got in some chicks today and described breed as 'Gold sex link'. Can anyone help me with what that is? Do you think it would be an okay pair for my buff? They also have Americauna (or EE- whatever)- would that be a better choice? Please help!
I think they are one and the same as golden comets which are new hampshire x white rock. I had a comet who was my orp's BFF before she fell prey to a fox. She was the sweetest! You should get some, they are some of the best layers too.
Gold sex-links are a lighter version of the red sex-link. They have used Buff Orp x some other breed in order to get the lighter "buff" or gold color. They have probably been crossed with Rhode Island White or Delaware.
Gold Sex Link's are from Ideal and are a cross between RIR and RIW.I have several and they are excellent layers and are an attractive looking hen.
Thank you everyone! Good info!!

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