What are my 2 roosters and 1 hen?


12 Years
Feb 25, 2011
They all appear to now be fully grown, and Joke is laying.

Joke (the hen), Dagger (the white rooster), and Valentino (the gray rooster) I got at the same time. Joke was supposed to be a roo but fooled everyone. The place where I got them had no idea what they are--they take in unwanted fowl, and these 3 were from a group of about 30 that were brought in.

Joke: black, bearded, feathered legs and feet, lays a pinkish brown egg:
(that brown spot on her is just some trick of the light, she's all black)

Dagger: was completely white as a small roo, his tail has since changed, bearded, 5 toes on each foot, feathered legs and feet. Very sweet natured and likes to cuddle.

Valentino: gray with a slight coppery overtone that can be seen in direct sunlight. He crows a lot. REALLY likes ducks and routinely tries to mate with them over any chicken. It's hard to get a picture of him not crowing or mounting a pekin.

Top 2 look like crosses, could be favorelle in there somewhere perhaps, and your bottom one looks just like a lavender orpington, but I can't say a pure as I've seen cross bred chickens that look to be pure but don't breed as such.
The first two likely have some Faverolles heritage, he has the fifth toe and light skin. It's a ways back, to have such light leg feathering. Other than that, and the grey rooster, they're mixed enough no specific breed stands out. And no offense, but the bottom bird looks nothing like an Orpington, they're supposed to be round and fluffy, not built like this.

Lavender orpington roo

Lavender orpington hen...you're right...there doesn't appear to be any resemblance
The first two likely have some Faverolles heritage, he has the fifth toe and light skin. It's a ways back, to have such light leg feathering. Other than that, and the grey rooster, they're mixed enough no specific breed stands out. And no offense, but the bottom bird looks nothing like an Orpington, they're supposed to be round and fluffy, not built like this.
The first two likely have some Faverolles heritage, he has the fifth toe and light skin. It's a ways back, to have such light leg feathering. Other than that, and the grey rooster, they're mixed enough no specific breed stands out. And no offense, but the bottom bird looks nothing like an Orpington, they're supposed to be round and fluffy, not built like this.
the american style arent as fluffly, esp if they have hatchery breeding in them.

Either way, the last is pure for the lavendar gene at least, it is a recessive gene, so both parents had to have at least one copy for it to show.
the american style arent as fluffly, esp if they have hatchery breeding in them.X

Either way, the last is pure for the lavendar gene at least, it is a recessive gene, so both parents had to have at least one copy for it to show.
The first two likely have some Faverolles heritage, he has the fifth toe and light skin. It's a ways back, to have such light leg feathering. Other than that, and the grey rooster, they're mixed enough no specific breed stands out. And no offense, but the bottom bird looks nothing like an Orpington, they're supposed to be round and fluffy, not built like this.
X2 on this advice.
The first bird appears to have traits of austrolorps, easter eggers/maybe ameraucana, and/or maran.

If that is true,
The beard could be from either an easter egger or ameraucana
the feathered legs could be from maran crossing, and the
comb and body structure could be from an austrolorp,

No matter what, im almost positive the first two have more than 2contributing breeds. But if you do some reasearch, there might be a breed that looks likd the third... he looks so familiar. There are plenty of rare breeds out there...

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