What Are my neighbors having for dinner?

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sorry i got so piturbed it just makes me very sad how often i hear people talk about people who are on welfare like they are just lazy when thats not always the case.

i used to babysit for this girl who was my sisters best freind she had 2 kids the oldest from a previous relationship. shes a nurse and makes decent money doing so her bf works as a dealer at a casino also making decent money bringing home around 100 dollars an ight JUST IN TIPS! well seh went crying to my mom about helping her get on welfare and any program she could becuase "she didnt have the money" so my mom feeling sorry for her got her on food stamps and a houseing program and cash assistance plus she was going thru a program to pay me for babysitting her kids ( i was paid a dollar and hour for both kids....yup one whole dollar)

i swear i was so angry at ym mom for helping them! they only had to pay 100 dollars a month of the original 500 dollars which included utilities-they eventually left the house becuase they never paid ANY RENT in 8 months!

i worked my A@# off 15 hours a day 5 days a week so that they both could go out and party from 9pm untill 3 am after work.
they NEVER had food in the house becuase they would buy fast food everynight!! if the kids got hungry while i was working either i bought them food or they went hungry.
they would buy a BRAND NEW furniture set every 6 months becuase they kids would spill crap on it. i worked for a eyar in a half and in that time they bought 3 brand new sofas, 5 brand new recliners and about 8 coffee tables.
they up graded there tv twice to brand new flat screens HUGE fricken HUGE her bf always had to buy the newest latest games and game consoles. they both had cell phones and plans,had a 2,000 dollar computer and high speed niternet.
it was disgusting. i quit becuase i couldnt deal with the work thay had me doing for no more then one dollar an hour especielly when she wanted to to buy the kids food and then at the end took my check (it was sent to the mother to pay the baby sitter) and told me she "needed it" for gas money to go get her bf food from the chinese resturant and didnt know when or if she would eb able to pay me back.

i totally agree that way to many people get away with taking advantage of the goverment programs and its sick becuase the people who really do need it are the ones who get hurt by it
or they get a tax refund and spend it however.

Here's the problem. How do you get a tax refund, when you've contributed nothing to the system?

And THIS pretty much sums it up and explains a WHOLE lot of the reason our economy is in the tank.
I'm not heartless-if a Veteran of Iraq/Afghanistan is injured in the line of duty-give him/her government aid-I'm all in! If someone procreates like it's their job-count me OUT!
So....drug testing and sterilization for all applicants?

I'm down.

I dragged myself up from the depths to get where I am. I paid for college by cleaning septic tanks, freezebranding and shoeing horses and mules, and winning fishing tournaments. And donating various fluids once or twice. I had to borrow money from my sister once and it was humiliating. Can't imagine having to do it on a full time basis.

I hate sounding high and mighty, but I'm proud of what I've accomplished in my life. My only regret is now I'm 35, single with no kids to torment. I waited too long because I didn't want to have kids before I was ready, and have to be the one taking government handouts cause I couldn't make it on what a muleshoeing, septic tank scraping, bass fishing fluid donor makes. That was a long sentence...sorry.
Em I know what you see , its not that rare either......we need undercover inspector ,checking on those receiving welfare.
I saw a couple , that this past thankgiving went to every free store in the area, they gather enought food to feed a family for a year, 13 frozen turkeys.......made me sick knowing other need that more than them.

Guess they will always be people like that.....sad there is no follow up on people receiving welfare.

I like it better years ago , where people had to get food from the State. Rather than money or credit to buy food they want. Was good food, but they didn't get Steak, but things like canned ham ,spam and etc. No reason those on wefare should eat better than those working ,paying taxes to feed them.
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Me for President?
I'm good with that.

I apoligize if I've hurt anyone's feelings. I'm aware there are people who need help and just need a hand sometimes. I'm MORE THAN WILLING to help those who help themselves. It's those that do not even *try* that bother me. Trust me, I always have an empty chair, an extra plate, and an open couch.
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well i don't want welfare to go away especially since my family depends on welfare, my dad actually works and mom takes care of the house, my siblings including me and my elderly grandma, everybody has their own reason to live on welfare it is unfair for people to judge and call people like us as free loaders and lazy, my family were refugees struggling for a better future not for them but for their children, working at hard jobs and having trouble understanding english is one of my parents main struggles it is is especially hard when when my parents are people who know nothing of the city life when they both grew up in war and refugee camps, and the money really really helps because we barley get by and we finally got out of the ghettos. but in ur case i can understand y ur mad because some people really likes to take advantage.
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I think Em has great motives in starting this thread; and I'd vote for her.
Except she's way too young to run.

Imp- She should write a book first, she has a way with the written language, Maybe some fiction.
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