Apr 29, 2013 #1 MamaSaylor In the Brooder 6 Years Apr 21, 2013 26 0 32 We thought we got Rhode Island Reds but their feathers are coming in more white than our other RIR feathers did.
We thought we got Rhode Island Reds but their feathers are coming in more white than our other RIR feathers did.
Apr 29, 2013 #2 WalkingOnSunshine Crowing 11 Years Apr 8, 2008 4,210 553 328 Ohio You're right, not RIR. Too light even in the chick down. Amberlinks, maybe? I would assume they are some variety of red sex link.
You're right, not RIR. Too light even in the chick down. Amberlinks, maybe? I would assume they are some variety of red sex link.
Apr 29, 2013 #3 jamie7100 Chirping 6 Years Mar 16, 2013 282 10 83 They look like sex linked reds. My amberlinks had a yellow chick down rather than gold/brown. It is hard to see the true colors with the red bulb though
They look like sex linked reds. My amberlinks had a yellow chick down rather than gold/brown. It is hard to see the true colors with the red bulb though
Apr 29, 2013 #4 WalkingOnSunshine Crowing 11 Years Apr 8, 2008 4,210 553 328 Ohio You're right, I was having a hard time seeing color with the bulb, too. Maybe a photo in natural light is in order?
You're right, I was having a hard time seeing color with the bulb, too. Maybe a photo in natural light is in order?
Apr 29, 2013 Thread starter #5 MamaSaylor In the Brooder 6 Years Apr 21, 2013 26 0 32 Let me get my actual camera out.. phone photo doesn't work too well.
Apr 30, 2013 #7 jamie7100 Chirping 6 Years Mar 16, 2013 282 10 83 Yeah, I think red sex links. The new feathers are whitish, right?
May 4, 2013 Thread starter #8 MamaSaylor In the Brooder 6 Years Apr 21, 2013 26 0 32 Yes they are coming in white-ish
May 4, 2013 #9 randys In the Brooder 6 Years Mar 24, 2013 77 1 41 New York They look a lot like my red sex links when they were younger.