What are Our Birds


5 Years
Sep 8, 2014
I posted over in new introductions and got a very warm welcome ! Here are the two birds my wife got free , then we bought a small pen and roost . I am amazed how interesting and relaxing caring for these birds are ! Plus we get two eggs a day !
So , wise people of the forum , what do we have here ? Thanks !
I pranked my wife , told her we had green eggs ! , It's a lime !

Many of the seasoned vets on here would probably look at that pic and whip out the correct answer the first time(?) But for the rest of us...we need more detailed pictures to ascertain any certain heritage.
Couldn't hurt to garner more opinions or statements of 'fact'.
The only guess I might feel comfortable hazarding would be the chicken on the right, 'Buff' Orpington (?)
I will 'shad' up about the other bird and look forward to what everyone else thinks.
Please check out the Breed section as this might answer or reinforce what everyone thinks/knows is correct.
Oh, and welcome aboard!

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I posted over in new introductions and got a very warm welcome ! Here are the two birds my wife got free , then we bought a small pen and roost . I am amazed how interesting and relaxing caring for these birds are ! Plus we get two eggs a day !
So , wise people of the forum , what do we have here ? Thanks !
I pranked my wife , told her we had green eggs ! , It's a lime !
Hello and welcome from Central Oregon!
I'm not sure on the breed of your chickens, but noticed something you might want to correct if I'm interpreting your photo correctly. Is the yellow box a nesting box? If so, it is way too close to the roosting bar. You run the risk of poop getting in there. Also, your roost bar should be a 2 x 4 laying flat so your birds can rest better at night.

I wish you well in your new venture!
It looks like a Buff Orpington and Brown Leghorn from this picture, but a closer shot of each bird would help as this is a guess from a distance. There are a couple other breeds that could also apply to the brown bird, but the comb has me leaning hard towards a leghorn.
It looks like a Buff Orpington and Brown Leghorn from this picture, but a closer shot of each bird would help as this is a guess from a distance. There are a couple other breeds that could also apply to the brown bird, but the comb has me leaning hard towards a leghorn.
I agree.
Joke will be on you when your wife gets an olive egger (or even just an olive egger egg), lol

ETA - I forgot to respond earlier to the enjoyment aspect of having chickens - it is truly amazing what a pleasure these birds can bring to your day, isn't it? There are many days I sit here at my desk waiting desperately for my "chicken therapy session" at the end of the work day.
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Your gold bird is a buff Orpington, and should be giving you a light brown egg.
The other bird, I agree looks like a brown Leghorn and should be giving you a white egg. If not, post a better pic of that bird and we'll try to figure out what she is.
I believe you folks know your birds ! The Buff is giving light brown and Mrs Leghorn whites !
I cannot believe the stress relief from dealing with and watching these birds , amazing ! I suffer from PTSD and this is the best "pill" yet ! I find myself sitting for hours watching and talking to them ! This is going to be fun ! Almost as good as fishing !
We will put up more and clearer pics soon ! Thanks ,
I am a big believer in the use of animals as part of therapeutic treatment of PTSD, so very glad that these little ladies have come along to fill that need for you.
Can you post a closer picture of the Buff bird? For some reason, it looks like it has a rose comb, which would make it a Buff Wyandotte instead of a Buff Orpington.

The brown bird is a Light Brown Leghorn.

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