What are production reds?


In the Brooder
Mar 28, 2015
Western PA
OK so I went to tractor supply to get some chicks. They had all bins labeled except one. I asked what they were and why labeled. The lady said reds and BC they have gotten their needle feathers they are half off. ( do to getting to big and worries of escaping over top) I asked what are reds? She said anything from sex links to Rhode island reds. Is there a class considered reds? Anyways I left with a dozen. Now how can I sex them? Are they decent egg layers? How can I tell exactly what breed or shouldn't I worry?
Rhode Island reds and red sexlinks are great layers have the sex links also know as golden comets they are wonderful layers and were te first of the chicks to lay and I find all of mine were very friendly
The red sexlinks pullets will be darker in color the males are a yellow color it depends on what the cross was but they might be pullets since that's what my store orders in pullets alot is those two breeds and leghorns and barred rocks

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