What are some of the LEAST aggressive breeds of roosters???

They say Brahma roos are pretty mello.

Penrod, my seven-month old Buff Brahma cockerel is coming down with a raging case of hormones at the moment, and it makes him impulsive and a bit crazy at times. But he's easily admonished and backs right down. My SLWyandotte Stan, on the other hand, would wear me out with his constant need to challenge me to extended boxing matches. Stan died this summer, and his bad heart made him extremely docile, and even cuddly, his last few months since I suspect he lacked energy for the good fight he loved so much. I truly miss him.

Then there's Darrel, my seven-month old Black Cochin cockerel. There's not an aggressive bone in his fluffy little body. Penrod decks him every now and then out of sheer disgust, but for the most part, the two are inseparable sidekicks. They kind of remind me of Abbot and Costello or Laurel and Hardy.
Welsummer roos have been my sweetest roos.
My Wheaten Marans
Any hatchery ones are all ways mean (of any breed I have had)
My Wyandotte roos have been Nice.
I found if you don't play with your roos they do not get nasty with you.
I can go in and grab hens to get NPIP testing done and they are fine with that.
We have a big ol' Lt. Brahma roo that not only rarely crows, but is really a gentle giant towards people and the others. He IS a bit clumsy, seemingly, in the romance department, but he's not exactly mean about it. He excels at all the roo things... finding the best nest spots for the hens, finding all the good treats for them, and he's always got an eye open for predators. He's not exactly a 'pet'... we don't cuddle him or anything...and he prefers to stay JUST out of the way and out of reach, but we CAN easily catch him if/when needed and easily handle him.

I have toddlers and other children running around and when the chickens/roo free range, the kids aren't ever unsupervised around him... but thus far, he's not shown any aggression and prefers to just stay out of everyone's way. I'm not sure of his age... over a year old when I got him. Probably between 1.5-3 years? I don't have any real concerns that he would do anything towards the kids... but, just like with my very trusted dogs... they're animals/birds and still considered unpredictable... and young children will always be supervised closely around any of them.
Never heard of a mean Ameraucana. (And I mean true Ameraucana, not the Easter Eggers that hatcheries/feedstores/neighbors sell)

All of mine are very sweet, tame, and are even the best mannered with other roosters. They're also absolute gentlemen towards hens, and not in a dominating way.

I would always recommend true Ameraucanas, the roosters especially are always my favorite. They're like pets.
I have had a BO roo and now a Blue Copper Marans that I hatched. My BO was mostly nice but had moments where he would test to make sure I was still boss. He had to go because he crowed constantly and I did hear he started to get aggressive at his new home... Not sure if he went to freezer camp or not, kinda don't want to know as I really liked him and he was beautiful.

This past July I hatched out some Marans. I had four boys, three of whom found new homes. I kept one because he had been my favorite chick and he turned out to be a blue copper which I was thrilled about. He is great with my girls although he's so good I'm afraid he's not aggressive enough to try to breed with them. My BO actually beats him up sometimes which bums me out because I wanted to hatch an experiment baby with those two
He hardly crows so far (knock on wood) and I think he would really prefer not to be around people. He runs off whenever I head toward him. When I do manage to catch him he's fine though and I've never had him show any signs of aggression, even with my boyfriend's two small kids.

Here's a picture of him having Thanksgiving leftovers with his Marans girls.
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I've had 6 roos.

The best rooster, HANDS DOWN, that I have ever had (and probably will ever have) was my Cuckoo Marans. I hand raised him, and he never done anything against me or any of the girls. People told me that hand raising a roo made them bad, but he was an angel. He loved to come up to me, get right up in my face when I squatted down and talk to me. Not mean, not aggressive, not anything. When I started to leave he would make the "Come back, I found food!" sounds. Never dropped his wing at me or danced at me. Let me pet him and pick him up. He was VERY gentle with his girls, and a great alarm system. The second best crow-er I've ever had. I would have never sold him, but he was just way too bid. He was tearing the girls up even though he was so gentle. I miss poor Ashi and wish I knew how he was doing.

I've had two REAL Ameraucana roos. Both had very different personalities. The blue boy from Cree was pretty big. Extremely, EXTREMELY docile. Never got "too eager" with the girls and was gentle. Kept a good eye on them. Didn't like to be pet or handled, but wasn't skittish per say. The black boy from Pips&Peeps is pretty human skittish, and fairly good with his girls. He's extremely eager, and for his "eagerness" he's usually pretty good. Does NOT do well with other roos.

The BO was horrific, and so was his RIR cross son. Aggressive, hateful, cannibalistic, tempermental, awful. I handraised both. I'll never have them again. The BO himself was aggressive to EVERYTHING. The RIR cross was afraid of me, but terrorized the girls and beat down on Ashi (they were raised together, hatched by me).

The EE bantam was a pretty good boy. Never a wry one to me, but couldn't really do anything with the LF girls.
I LOVE my black cochin and SLW roosters. Both are over a year old, get along great- treat the hens great. The cochin lets us hold him-even my 2 year old will walk up to him and scoop him up into her arms and he is almost as big as her. The SLW never lets us near him, but is never mean either. He is KING of the coop and does a fab job of keeping everyone safe.
My experiences:

Cochin-wonderful, sweet, quiet, gentle

RIR- chased me, attacked everything that moved

EE- puffs up his feathers at me occasionally if I'm holding a hen who is struggling and squawking, but otherwise well-behaved. If hen is quiet, he doesn't care. Hasn't attacked

Australorp- Worked at a ranch where they had these. Just ignored people.

Hamburg- skittish, loud

Gold Comet/RSL- aggressive

BO- No personal experience, but my mother's friend had an aggressive one. Must have been a rarity because otherwise have heard good things about them.

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