What are square foot the calculations again? I have to build a run, which I don't like.


13 Years
Apr 4, 2011
Lexington, KY
I think the minimums for coops is 3 square feet per chicken and runs is 10 square feet per chicken, is that right?

I've never had to build a run before, have always free-ranged but darn if I don't have hawks the size of dogs here in KY and a ton of them at that. They sit on my fence posts and I kid you not, some of them are over 2' tall. They're beastly. On top of that I have the regular coyote, fox, raccoon, possum, and skunk fun... so yeah, I'm going to have to build a minor Ft. Knox to keep these ladies safe on my 100 acres.
Jumping on here. My coop is 8x12, which is 96 square. That will fit 24, correct? I have 15 chicks ordered, but I should be able to add another handful or two in the spring looks like!
Four square feet each in the coop, not counting nest boxes, and 10 square feet in the run is the standard minimum, but you can adjust a bit depending on how the roosts are set up, how much time your chickens spend in the coop depending on your weather.

Sounds like you have every predator in your area, except maybe bears - you will definitely need to build a "Fort Knox" unless you keep a large enough quantity of chickens to accept some losses.

We used to free-range too, thinking our big rooster could protect them, until we started losing them. First, we lost one to a weasel and it was a horrible bloodbath. Soon after, we lost another to what we thought was a hawk, since the hen disappeared and only a pile of feathers was left. Then, a hawk swooped down and airlifted another, right in front of us!

So we built a "Fort Knox" run, and haven't lost any since then, even though we regularly see raccoons, evidence of coyote poop, hawks, and even one time an owl sitting on top of the run, trying to figure out a way to get in.
Jumping on here. My coop is 8x12, which is 96 square. That will fit 24, correct? I have 15 chicks ordered, but I should be able to add another handful or two in the spring looks like!
Yes, kinda... in very cold weather, my gals will not go outside, so a little extra room is helpful to keep bickering at a minimum.
Jumping on here. My coop is 8x12, which is 96 square. That will fit 24, correct? I have 15 chicks ordered, but I should be able to add another handful or two in the spring looks like!
I have 96sqft coop too, with several poop boards which can be 'places to be' off the floor ......had 22 one winter and it was too crowded. ChickenCabinFever is real and it can be ugly!
I keep it at around 18 now.

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