What are the best laying hens

Look them up and see what ones are your favorite they all lay the same which is a ton of big brown eggs 300 to 345 eggs a year
My Lohman Browns lay huge brown eggs every day, some of the eggs are so big they won't fit into an extra jumbo egg carton. I have three lohmans and I know which chook lays which egg. One has speckles, one is massive, and the other is just dark brown.
There are as almost as many choices as there are chicken owners. Check Henderson's chicken breeds chart. It's not a complete list, but gives you some excellent options to consider. I assume you have cold weather where you are? If so, you might want to consider pea or rose combed birds. In cold weather, my preference is to stay away from feather footed birds. Your sex links and production hens will give you a lot of eggs, but the bird will burn out after a year or two. Some of the other breeds may not lay quite as well but will continue laying for a much longer period of time. So, what's your style? Keep them for a year and replace? or plan to have them for 3 - 4 years before replacing???

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