What are the so called "rooster feathers" that come in when the chick gets older?


7 Years
May 14, 2012
What are the so called "rooster feathers" that come in when the chick gets older?

Any photos would be appreciated.
Most roosters have pointed hackles, long saddle feathers, and large tails.
I'll edit a photo to add arrows pointing them out.
You can't really see the pionted hackles, and it isn't my best work, but it'll do.
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This is Stan as a teenager. Note he is developing saddle feathers near the base of his tail and also has two long feathers.

Here you can see he is developing pointed hackle feathers along his neck. You can see the difference in the pullet next to him. You can also get a better picture of his developing saddle feathers along his back.

The difference in feather is better seen in multi-colored chickens, but you get the idea.

Hope this helps!
they come in at about 3-4 months of age

Here's a good pic from overhead, a young Barred Rock cockerel I used to own. The very intensely barred feathers on his back coming in, starting in the middle of his back and growing toward his tail (since they aren't long enough to hang yet), the ones that are very skinny, are the saddle feathers.

From the side, later, as they became long enough to drape over the sides:

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my mottled cochin is about 3.5 months in this pic and you can see his saddles coming in (the really shinny ones at the base of the tail)

Thank you for the information.... I just love the learning curve here. Want to know for sure IMMEDIATELY.... but... let's face it, until I "curve" the learning a bit more, I'll be guessing! Thanks

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