What are these 3 roos/pullets? I'm not sure they are roos


12 Years
Feb 25, 2011
I got the 3 chickens on the right (Joke, Dagger, and Valentino aka Lady in Gray) under the impression they were roos. So far, only Dagger, the white one, has been getting significantly bigger--he used to be the smallest. Can anyone tell me what Dagger is and if possible what the other 2 are?

Mercury on the left is a marans who hatched in February. Joke, the bearded black one with feathered feet, Dagger, the white one, and Valentinto were slightly bigger than Mercury when I got them a month ago, so I'm guessing they're 3-4 months old. They were all in the same cage. Last too I got from the feed store laid an egg 2 months later, so I'm not sure anymore what I get from there.

Look like Easter Eggers to me. The blue *could* still turn out to be a roo, but the two black ones both look like hens.
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They aren't Easter Eggers. Where did you get the white? Does he really have 5 toes?
They aren't Easter Eggers. Where did you get the white? Does he really have 5 toes? 

I got the 3 together. The feed store didn't know what they were. They only knew the woman who brought them in does breeding projects involving Ameraucanas (they also call their Easter eggers ameraucanas, so it could be anything). Yes, Dagger (the white one) has 5 toes. He was the only white one, and Joke was the only black one. She brought in about 20+ birds that were mostly blue without beards. They were supposedly all roos, but like I said, the other roo I got from them started laying eggs.
The white one is definitely a too and the other one looks like a lavender orpington to me; that is also definitely a rooster. The lavender gene is linked to retarded feather growth so they tend to take a long time to grow. It may not be an orpington but it looks too light to me to be a blue. The black to the right also looks to have a darker comb than the other one. It's hard to tell for sure in this picture. My hens had prominent pink combs so you never know.
The comb of Joke, the black one on the right, has darkened in the last couple of weeks. It used to be pale. Valentino (the lavender one), it was the same. Now, Valentino's comb is much darker than Joke's.

This is Valentino's face on 25 March. At this time he was noticeably a bit larger than the chicks I hatched 13 February, so he was maybe 2 months old here.

I'll try to get a better picture of Joke, but s/he tries to evade the camera.

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