What are these white worms? Ewww...(Pic included)

Hey m00res... don't be mean to the doggie... don't you know 'their mouths are cleaner than humans.' I've heard for years people say that dogs mouths are cleaner than humans.

I guess they haven't met my dog either. To her a really good chew toy is a big cat turd!
She will eat anything if it seems to have any flavor to it. When I get my baby geese/ducks out to let my kids play with them for a few minutes I have to watch my dog because she really enjoys the moistness of a good goose turd. If you can't tell... I'm not one of those folks that likes my dog to lick me ... ewwww (I just can't get out of my mind what she might have licked or ate, yuck!)
They didn't get them from the horses, they got them from eating insects. Not the same species as the tapeworms seen usually seen in cats and dogs. Those are from eating fleas. The chicken ones are from eating darkling type beetles usually. Tapeworms are gross, but they don't do a lot of harm. Vets don't usually deworm cats and dogs for tapeworms unless you actually SEE the tapeworm segments. Deworming monthly (dog who eats everything) for roundworms is a good idea. No so for the chickens, especially since everything is off label for laying hens. Any chicken who free ranges can get exposed, tapeworms have a two host lifecycle, meaning they have to eat a 'host' insect to get the tapeworms.
Pumpkin seeds may help. There is something in them that paralyses tapeworms so that they can be expelled. If the birds are weak and may not be able to take a strong wormer, try some ground up pumpkin seed to weaken the worm load. After a while use a stronger wormer to get rid of anything that may be left.
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I opened a capsule and put 1/2 in with cooked grits.
I don't actually know if they had worms.
I used it as a once a month preventative.

Since it's been so cold i've switched to garlic since it also helps immunity.
Hey everyone!

I just wanted to report back that my birds were treated with the valbazan twice per the recommendations on the bottle. My birds started to look better within just a few days! After about two weeks now, their feathers are getting shiny, their combs are practically flourescent red and they are finally putting back on some weight!! Their mood and energy is so much better now, too. I am so happy. They were really sick. I think they had a pretty serious infestation! They are STILL pooping out worm segments two weeks after the first treatment. I was pretty sure I was going to lose at least two of the girls, but they are all out pecking and sqwaking and doing great now! I am convinced that they would have died if you guys didn't help me. It was terrible to sit back and watch them get skinnier and skinnier and not know what to do. I wish the vet had told me that tapeworms don't show up on a fecal, but now I know to just continue to follow my gut AND when in doubt, ask BYC! Thank you everyone!!
funny you should mention black walnut...I have about a dozen black walnut trees frowing in my yard ...and i am always looking at poop...lol chicken poop cat poop dog poop..I am so afriad of themmgetting worms and passing it to my kids.. knock on wood but maybe thats why I so far have not been affected with tape worms cause my hens will peck at the husk of the blak walnut..

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