what are y'all saving from the wild to deal with coming crisis?

Wasn't it written after a government group completed a report about the possibility and likelihood of an EMP attack? Which was basically ignored. I remember the report was released at the same time as something else which was holding everyone's attention, I just doubt remember what that was lol. But I do remember Gingrich being involved in the book writing, maybe a forward written by him. And you are right that the government is not prepared at all!
You are right, Newt Gingrich and a top level General at the Pentagon wrote an eye-opening report which Congree ignored, since Hurricane Katrina hit the day or two after their report was presented. People are basically lazy and unprepared, keeping their heads in the sand and well, that's their choice. Just don't come knocking at my farm gate!
bubonic plague possibility being talked about on the news program I am watching.
I lived in Albuquerque 20 years ago, warning signs in the mountains, rodent carriers.
Rat epidemic in the homeless sections of Los Angeles
I really appreciate your posting. Sooooooo many folks are only focused on global warming and rabid about it...cooling is just as great a concern and it is a real thing. In the 70's Time Magazine ran a cover of the earth covered in ice, THE COMING ICE AGE was the title. Here in eastern Colorado we just made it through the worst winter from hell in many years. I had 11 foot high snowdrifts, 7 footers around and over my chicken coop door. And it was the coldest winter in years. I heat my house with wood...it was rough. But happily, my chickens and horses, cats and dogs all made it through. God Bless You!
bubonic plague possibility being talked about on the news program I am watching.
I lived in Albuquerque 20 years ago, warning signs in the mountains, rodent carriers.
Rat epidemic in the homeless sections of Los Angeles
Remember Anta Virus? So scary and deadly, it migrated up here to Colorado and even with all the warnings STILL people clean up wood sheds and coops without masks on. Oh well...only the smart survive!
bubonic plague possibility being talked about on the news program I am watching.
I lived in Albuquerque 20 years ago, warning signs in the mountains, rodent carriers.
Rat epidemic in the homeless sections of Los Angeles
I read something about that a few days ago. Of course I don't remember where, but there had been numerous cases reported.
Which is good, because you can’t kill them no matter how hard you try. We have them growing where the excavator reshaped the hill behind our garage. They’re on the compost pile (blooming!). They are growing in the woods (after being dumped there).

I appreciate your comments, @sourland !
Hilarious! You can't kill them with a blow torch. Good Luck!!
Remember Anta Virus? So scary and deadly, it migrated up here to Colorado and even with all the warnings STILL people clean up wood sheds and coops without masks on. Oh well...only the smart survive!
Not sure how to spell that virus but it was causes by rodent urine. One person caught it in Virginia. I remember it well. Haunta (phonetic) virus was first found on an Indian reservation (I think) north west of Albuquerque.
bubonic plague possibility being talked about on the news program I am watching.
I lived in Albuquerque 20 years ago, warning signs in the mountains, rodent carriers.
Rat epidemic in the homeless sections of Los Angeles
You are right ~ it's Hanta Virus...my cat jumped into my lap while I was typing and I didn't proof-read. I've killed over 50 mice in my coop in the last 2 months ~ my cats are apparently on strike. Good Luck!

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