What are you paying for feed?

In Nky I am paying:

50# Cracked Corn $9.79
50# Kents Multi Flock 18% pellets $15.79

My chickens free range, get treat O'Plenty and also get the above feeds 1 part corn to 1 part pellets with about a handful of ground flax seed and oyster shell as top dressing.
Gotta go to the feed store tomorrow . Been a month,could be interesting.
I buy for 2 red dorky hens and 90 pigeons.

Been feeding the chickens,scratch wild bird seed and pigeon pellets 14%. One of my hens laid 5 eggs last week so I guess it works.

I do feed em oyster shell. I give em a handful occasionally when I think they need it. They have never scarfed it down like they were craving it. I think I have achieved a certain balance. The pellets have calcium and minerals.
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Okay, just making sure! LOL. You'd be surprised how many people don't care enough to feed them a balanced diet. I met a man a few weeks back who only fed his hens cracked corn and as surprised that they weren't laying.
I just spent $17.99 on a 50# bag of layer pellets, made by the feed store where I shop. I live on Whidbey Island in WA state, about 30 miles north of Seattle.

Cracked corn was $8.99 for a 10# bag. Looks like I should be finding some better prices!

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