What are you reading? (or books you highly recommend)

this was another one I couldn't put down. I read it in two days. It's hard to get through in parts so so very sickening what that monster did to those girls. But her determination and faith is so inspiring I have to recommend it.
Ooh.. Sounds interesting. :pop

By the way, I'm ashamed of you. How could you not have recommended Eats, Shoots & Leaves yet?

Because that's on the shelf of Books about Words, and that will have to be a whole 'nother post!

Meanwhile, my short nap lasted about 4 hours, so while I'm sure I needed it, I'm now behind on what needed to get done today. So I'd better get to it.
'nother recommendation: Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink. Nonfiction. There's some super interesting studies on the psychology of eating too much, with some funny things thrown in.
I am reading at the moment and really enjoying, "Shy Boy The horse that came from the wild" By Monty Roberts. It is the story of how he came to get Shy Boy, how he trained him and what happened afterward. If you like horses I would highly recommend this book.
I own another book by him. Good author.
Here's a few authors (all fiction) that I really like:

John le Carre (espionage stuff and hopefully relatively credible as he was a GB intelligence officer - now there's an oxymoron, for ya)
Roddy Doyle (bitter / sweet, hilarious humour - but his work could be tough reading if one is not familiar with Irish / British vernacular)
Make Gayle / Nick Hornby (again, bitter / sweet humour)
James Clavell (not sure how to pigeon hole his work - just read it)
William Boyd (ditto)
Ian Rankin - detective stuff - Inspector Rebus series which I believe was made into a TV series

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