What are you reading? (or books you highly recommend)

Have any of you read:
When Elephants Weep: The Emotional Lives of Animals
by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

Yes, many years ago. Its like my masochistic, alter ego takes over
sometimes & reads these books that I know are going to be sad. Even the heartfelt stories where the animal doesn't die makes me a blubbery mess.
Temple Grandin:
Thinking In Pictures
Animals in Translation
Animals Make Us Human

Non-fiction, highly recommend her movie as well, Temple... she is a high functioning autistic that changed the livestock handling procedures throughout the US...

Never heard of her. She sounds great though, I'll definitely check her out.:thumbsup
Temple Grandin:
Thinking In Pictures
Animals in Translation
Animals Make Us Human

Non-fiction, highly recommend her movie as well, Temple... she is a high functioning autistic that changed the livestock handling procedures throughout the US...
I quite enjoy her books.
She's a professor at Colorado State University... she has clips and talks on youtube as well... really helps to show perspective from animal's POV and how their thought processes work...
Does she mention anything about how animals wish they could speak english to tell their dumb owners to stop treating/giving them things for worms that doesn't work?

I wish someone could write a quick short book about the "Powers of DE, Not!"
Temple Grandin:
Thinking In Pictures
Animals in Translation
Animals Make Us Human

Non-fiction, highly recommend her movie as well, Temple... she is a high functioning autistic that changed the livestock handling procedures throughout the US...
Gonna have to check her out, thanks!

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