What are you reading?

Ive found a wonderful author, Phillipa Gregory. Im reading The Other Queen. Of her collection Ive read The Other Boleyn Girl, The white Queen, The red Queen and The Queens Fool. Ive fallen in love with the Renaissance because of her books
Cryoburn by Lois McMaster Bujold....unfortunately it feels like she is tying off loose ends. She may have said all she has to say about one of my favorite fictional characters.
Just finished reading the latest book in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, the last and final book comes out next year. I started the fifth book of the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldan.
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Just finished reading Ishmael and am now reading How Agriculture Hijacked Civilization when I can tear myself away from BYC!
Jane Eyre. Ah, well. At least it isn't as bad as Pride and Prejudice. Geez, the female authors in English Literature are annoying! Dickens, Bunyan, and Swift were FAR better.

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