what are you?

Norwegian on Momma's side, Irish on Dad's. I guess there was a little bit of English and German mixed in there somewhere, which in breeding terms...makes me a mutt as well! Oh well, it was fun meeting my 40 pure bred Norwegian cousins last year! (Grandma got taken from her family at 2 years old...long story. They brought her to the U.S. and that's when nationality soup began.)
i am half german/french.........
my fathers all canadian french
my mothers all german

my husband is french/irish!!!

now that makes my children german/french/irish!!
My Mom: Half Italian/ half Spanish
My Dad: Mostly German. His roots have been traced back to 1753 when his ancestor was shanghaied in Hamburg Germany by a Dutch ship. Since he couldn't pay passage, he was sold into indentured servitude to John Singleton, signer of the Declaration of Independence. I am seventh generation.

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