What are your favorite breeds of chickens?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 6, 2010
San Jose
It can depend on its behavior, eggs, beauty, etc. I'm looking forward to ordering more chickies! Got my first 3 today in the mail and fell in love. I ordered 3 white leghorns because my family could use some extra eggs!
I love chickenssss!
This is my favorite topic! I love my Light Brahmas because they are BIG majestic and totally docile. I love my silkies because fluff is irresistable. I love my colored eggers for their eggs and personalities. And I love my Seramas because they talk to me and are VERY sweet. I love each of my breeds for different reasons; I also love that they give back in the form of great tasting and healthy eggs! But, if I had to narrow it down to just one breed ( so hard!!! ) it would have to be my Brahmas - can't beat their temperments and watching a big, healthy, alert roo in his prime provide an escort for his ladies across a yard of green grass in the sunshine just can't be beat.....



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