What are your goals, wishes, and prayers for the new year?

I'm hoping I can be a happier person. I want to be much closer to God, and a good friend. I want to stop caring what people think. I want to continue to get belt after belt this year in Tae Kwon Do. Gotta catch up to my brothers - they're almost 2 belts ahead!
I want to lose some weight and become the best person that I can be.

That sounds cheesy, but it's true!
Good luck Equine! I like your plan for the year. Some of that stuff would be on my list too.

I'm hoping I can be a happier person - although if EVERYTHING goes too well for me I can't handle it, I need something to complain about otherwise I just don't feel like myself.
Right now I'm whining about the fact that I need to not procrastinate and get a better job.

I want to be a good friend - AHAHA! What a joke. I feel like a mean big girl right now.
I hope I can do something good for somebody, even if it means getting nothing back myself. I would pretty much like to keep to myself but that would mean I would vanish off the face of the earth without leaving some sort of legacy behind.
(Besides, that is, "the girl who couldn't get the train door open"

I want to stop caring what other people think - that's done. I don't give much of a crap anymore.

Be the best person I can be - I have a feeling I could be out there doing something awesome right now. But first I've got to get up and switch off the computer and the TV.
I hope this year won't be as freaking boring as the last.

And I hope to lose a little more weight.

I want to become better at horse back riding in the upcoming year as well.

I hope my artistic skills, and my piano skills will grow more.

And....I hope to get some meat birds and some Buff Orpingtons this spring.
I want to read through the bible

Make a couple renasaince dresses

Finish my book

hang out with certain cousins more often

make new freinds

TRY to control my temper with the little siblings

And.. I think that's it
Get better control over my eating habits and weight for one
and, get some projects done that were left unfinished.

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