What are YOUR other hobbies?

Read, Sew (almost done making dh a custom fitted shirt), knit, teach Traditional Foods classes, moose and bear hunting ( for food purposes)
learning all I can to hopefully live off, off grid someday.
Oh, and gardening our way to partial self sustainablilty.
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My hobbies include gardening, my dogs and cat, cooking, learning to be self-sustainable, rocks and nature (I'm a geologist), hiking/camping/backpacking...line dancing, singing (when no one is around to hear me howling like a dog
), pool (billiards). I like to can, though I only know how to can via water bath. I want to learn to pressure can so I can can more things. I also plan to sew more this year (as soon as I am done with my Master's!) and I want to learn to crochet.
I am really boring after reading all the other posts.. your all so busy!....

I love to be gardening.. reading....decorating (painting the house).... and am addicted to Farmville (FB).... thats after the usual daily stuff of housework. family and chickens etc etc...
Other than Quilting, I like to garden(and figure out how to keep the chickens out of it) I am so an avid ultra light backpacker. I'm not into getting as many miles in a day as some folks, I just like the feeling like being out for a stroll. Besides you don't need all that stuff to be comfortable.

I am also a Snoopy collector. I've been collecting since I was 10years old.

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