What are your tricks for getting oral meds down a chicken?


14 Years
Mar 2, 2009
Hi all- I was wondering what you guys do to get liquid oral meds down a chickens throat. I had put the med. in the yogart, but not all my chickens like yogart. Soooo, what do you do. How do you treat your whole flock with liqud wormer?
Yeah I put the wormer in their water too. For oral medication ie antibiotics, I open their mouth then stick a finger from my left hand inbetween the beach on the side to keep the mouth open, then I use my right hand to operator the eye dropper with the medicine.
Put it in the water. Read the dilution rate on the directions. If needed use a smaller pint or quart waterer. Remove your regular water can to insure the birds are getting the medication. Replace the large water can after the meds have been consumed.
If you're trying to get a pill or a syringe down its throat, wrap him tightly in a towel and set him on something. Hold him under your one arm so you have both hands free. Hold the head (under the beak) with one hand and pry the beak open, then use the other hand to give the pill or put the syringe down into the throat.

they seem to really vary as to how much they fight or not. It can be a challenge!
sometimes if you can get the syringe to pry open the back of their beak a little, you can get it opened further. Then position the syringe so it will go straight down their throats.
I think the best thing is to wrap them in a towel so they can't flap their wings.
Ok, thanks everyone.... I have another question. I will need to give the albendazole again next week. It is not labled for chickens. How would I findthe right amount to put into the water?

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