What bread machine do you have and how well do you like it?

I think I need to back up a bit. Do I really need a bread machine? I would love to start baking bread - I've baked bread before, but not frequently, I do know how to bake and cook! I've got a big Kitchen-Aid mixer with the dough hook, and don't mind kneading at all (it's a good workout) so, should I bother getting a bread machine at all? Why do you all use one?
If I didn't use the bread machine now I'd forget it was rising and probably come into the kitchen to a huge mess.............
Sounds like a good plan to me!
I have a funny bread machine story. So I am trying to go green and be more self sufficiant. I ask my mom if I can borrow her bread machine until we buy one...Christmas (Thank you Santa!) So I am using it and everything is going great. Well a co worker of my husbands said she hasn't used hers and we could have it for Free (Thank you Jesus) So the "new" used machine made a 2lb loaf of bread and looked newer than my mothers. I gave my moms back and started to run the replacement. Only 5 minutes into the mixing and the thing starts to smoke. I was luck I was in the kitchen doing dishes and smelled the motor burning. Sorry to say we threw out the "new" one and am borrowing my Moms again....(I do believe in Santa Claus). My DH did tell the nice lady at work what happened and she said that it hadn't been used in years and she only used it like once.
Thanks for the recipes. Those cinnamon rolls look divine. We are so happy making our own bread and it tastes and smells sooo good. I do both dough and bread. But I may start to try baking it in the oven (Loaves). WHat temp to bake a loaf? and how long?
We are looking at getting a Sunbeam at Wal MArt for $55 OR ON SALE!!
I NEED a bread machine...I make all our bread...I'm using my Kitchen Aid mixer right now until I can get another machine and I hate it with a passion. It's so much nicer to put the ingredients into the machine, set the timer and walk away. When I come back my dough is ready to be shaped and put in the pan. With the Kitchen Aid I have the babysit it and wrestle with the dough to get it down off the hook when it starts climbing up. My arthritis in my elbow is killing me tonight because of that stupid mixer.
I have a Zojirushi, though I cannot remember what the model number is. I love it! I purchased it several years ago, and the reason was the convenience of placing all the ingredients in the machine, turning it on, and presto! you've got fresh bread. It's the smell of fresh bread that is the best!

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