What breed and color is this pullet?


6 Years
Mar 30, 2013
I have no clue what breed of chicken this is. She may be an Easter Egger for all I know. She hasn't reached point of lay, so I've yet to discover her egg color. The person I got her from got her in a batch of silkies by accident. She has very loose, fluffy feathering and is lighter than she looks. I'm more interested in what color she is. I remember seeing a chicken of the same feathering a while back and can't for the life of me remember the name of the color. I've included more pictures than necessary, in order from newest to oldest. :)

Oh, also, does she have muffs and a beard, or just muffs? I can never tell bearded chickens very well.

Mm she's a lot more blue than brown red to me.

I find her lovely! I wonder what color egg such a cross would have. Would that be an olive egger?
She looks to have Easter egger ancestry, but that straight comb tells me you probably won't get blue or green eggs.

Her color isn't a "color", specifically. I think the color you're thinking of is a blue copper, that's what she most resembles.
Yes! Blue copper is definitely what I was thinking of. Glad I could have that mystery solved. And what a shame on the egg color! Oh well. I'll be pleased with her either way.

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