May 18, 2015 #1 Marley73 Hatching May 17, 2015 7 0 9 Central Illinois Bought from local feed store. They are bantams but not sure what kind. Ignore an little ones in pic.
May 18, 2015 Thread starter #2 Marley73 Hatching May 17, 2015 7 0 9 Central Illinois Closer of the darker ones.
May 18, 2015 #3 BantamLover21 Crowing 7 Years Jul 24, 2013 23,660 1,614 426 The darker buff/black ones are probably Mille Fleur D'uccles. Better photos would help identify the others.
The darker buff/black ones are probably Mille Fleur D'uccles. Better photos would help identify the others.
May 18, 2015 Thread starter #4 Marley73 Hatching May 17, 2015 7 0 9 Central Illinois The lighter ones are pretty much like the darker ones. 2 of them look bearded and they were a light bluish silver when I got them.
The lighter ones are pretty much like the darker ones. 2 of them look bearded and they were a light bluish silver when I got them.