What breed and what disease?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 21, 2014

We have this hen in quarantine. She was given to us free. Anyone know what breed she is? Also, she's in terrible condition, unless she's a molting Turken? I don't see mites or lice and she's healthy enough that she lays an egg almost every day (or so we're told). Any help is welcome!
Oh, poor little thing!

I don't know enough to give a diagnosis, but if she is new to you I would start at the basics - worm her, and dust her for mites and lice, even if you can't see any.

You've done the right thing quarantining her - well done there. Make sure she is nice and warm at night, and give her a good quality feed to eat.

You might also like to boost her protein a bit to encourage good feather growth - some scrambled eggs, and maybe a bit of meat?

I wonder if she may have been picked on, and plucked, by other chickens too? Or could she be moulting? It's pretty severe if that's what it is though!

Either way, I'm glad she is with someone who will care for her properly now. Hopefully some other more experienced chicken owners can offer some advice regarding illness and treatments.

My best wishes to you.

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I believe she is molting along with being picked on by other chickens. Increase the protein in her diet-scrambled eggs is a good idea-however, I'd add dry cat food and various table scraps to round out her diet. Deworm her and once she is settled in give her a bath in a cat flea shampoo, rinse well, and dry her with a blow dryer.

Molting chickens can change dramatically in appearance.

One month later:
The previous owner did say he'd seen her picked on. I am adding protein and she is warm. I'll do the worming and treatments recommended, thanks! Any guesses to her breed? Theoldchick, what beautiful Australorps! Thanks for the pic.
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It is hard to tell her breed since she is molting so badly. However, she looks like a Partridge colored something.
The previous owner did say he'd seen her picked on. I am adding protein and she is warm. I'll do the worming and treatments recommended, thanks! Any guesses to her breed? Theoldchick, what beautiful Australorps! Thanks for the pic.
I think that she's missing too many feathers right now to determine breed. She's not a Naked Neck/Turken, though. It looks like when she grows her feathers in that she'll be a Partridge color. She could be a Partridge Rock or a mix of that. I just can't tell for sure at this point.

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