What Breed Are My Chicks?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 12, 2014
Tulsa, OK
I picked up a mix of sweet little bantams last week and would really like to know what breeds we have now! My Mottled Cochin, Daenarys has adopted them (along with two silkie chicks.)


The auburn-colored one has stripes on it's wings and sparsely feathered legs.


I fell in love with this little gray one because I've never seen a chick this color. Its wings are tiny and legs are feathered.

I've been referring to this little guy as "the masked one," because of the unique markings (at least to me!) It's legs are clean and it's starting to show white feathers under its wings.

Any insight?
chicks this young are so hard to identify. Your little grey one with feathered feet, could be a cochin, but that's a complete guess.
The grey one 'could' be a blue cochin, the black and white one almost looks like an Australorp ...but I don't know if those come in banty size! :/ And the red brown one I don't know what it is, maybe a partridge cochin?! I dunno... :confused:
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It's such a fun guessing game! A friend said the brown one looks like an Easter-Egger. I'm so excited to see how the feathers end up looking!
I'm pretty sure the gray one is a cochin, although it's coloring hasn't changed a bit! Unfortunately, we lost the black masked one (neighborhood cat, we think.) Still trying to figure out what the striped one is. Here's a more recent picture:

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