What breed are my sweet chics???? BR, EE?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 20, 2013
I have 5 chicks that have come from the pullets at our local farm store. 2 were sold as Dominiques (I'm thinking Barred Rocks, and 1 was sold as Americauna (I'm thinking EE). The other I really have no clue because it was given to my child on Easter. The littlest was sold as a Barred Rock.

This is Bella....Dominique (Barred Rock?) born week before Easter

This is Paisley (no clue on this one's breed..born week before Easter

This is Itsy...Dominique (Barred Rock ?) born week after Easter

This is Rocket......Americauna (EE?) born week after Easter

This is Sophie.....Barred Rock? Just got this sweet little today. The others aren't extremely fond of her, but hoping for the best!
Bella and Itsy are Barred Rocks...Dominiques have rose combs, BR's have single combs.

I'd say Sophie is Barred Rock too, but I'm not positive...none of my BR's ever had that much yellow on them...someone else may be able to give a positive ID!
Would love for someone to tell me about Paisley and Rocket.....Also, would love some comfort that these are pullets. I know nothing about gender and chicks. Am very new to this and we can't have a rooster! Thanks
Would love for someone to tell me about Paisley and Rocket.....Also, would love some comfort that these are pullets. I know nothing about gender and chicks. Am very new to this and we can't have a rooster! Thanks
Rocket appears to be an EE or an Ameruacana. Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire Red for Paisley?

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