What breed are these chickens?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 31, 2010
I was wondering if anyone could please tell me what breed these chickens are. I hope the pictures are good enough..my random guess was something like Australorp, but I honestly don't know. I don't think they are crossbreeds of anything..






Any input asap would be much appreciated, thank you!!
Slate/Pink legs. . . Interesting.

I'll get back to you on that sometime soon.

The rooster there has a black copper type color, but they're all slate-legged, which is so interesting. . . I'm not sure what they are. They're not crossbreeds and they're not Australorps, I'll say that.
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Where are you? That might help id them. Also anything else you can tell us about where they came from......hatchery, backyard breeder, etc.
I'm in Queensland, in Australia.
They came from a breeder who who was selling them at $10 per chick, that's all I know as they are a friend's chickens of whom I've taken a few fertile eggs to incubate and I'd like to know what breed the chickies will be!
Being a US girl, that's probably why I have NO clue! But someone here will come along......

Those hens are so pretty! It's hard to tell in the photos but is that lacing on the breast? What color is it? And some look like it's just on the breast, some have it all over?

I'm intrigued..........I'll be following to see what the verdict is
I don't believe they have lacing, it could just be that the flash was on for the pictures and their feathers reflected it, I think the hens are completely black. (though one hen has two fully feathered chicks from that rooster, one chick has some white flight feathers which is interesting)
BCM would be Black Copper Maran? I just googled pictures of that breed, the rooster certainly has the same colouring to most of the pictures, but the hens not so much.
These hens are totally black while the BCM's had those copper coloured feathers around the head.
Plus, the eggs they lay are pale..white to pale brown coloured. But they aren't bred for show/egg colour so maybe that's why? They do have the same coloured legs as the pics of the Marans I saw.
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