What breed are these pullets ?

The white one is 19 weeks and very round shaped . Reminds me of my cochin almost . Are you thinking it may be a rooster ? It has no characteristics aside from the red comb and wattles. I really really dont need another roo lol
No, not now that I know the age.. It looks female, I agree.. I just know some breeds like Seabright and Campine have hen feathered roosters which will get no male characteristic other than larger red comb and wattles, and undoubtedly behavior (most are mounting by the time the get that red).. so if the age were much younger and the comb and wattles looked like that, say 12 weeks.. then I would be wondering if it were a cockerel with hen feathering..

Example hen feathered rooster from google..

When you mentioned silver laced possibility.. Wyandotte and Seabright are the two most common with Orpington sneaking up on their heels. But we have already ruled those both out now..

Definitely cool birds for free! :cool:


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