What breed are we?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 15, 2014





Can anyone help us figure out what breed these chicks are? Thanks a bunch
The red ones look like red sex link pullets, also known by many other names such as red star, etc.

The whites could be the red sex link cockerels. They could also be Leghorns or White Rocks or several other things that may be impossible to tell until you can see their ear color, shape and size.
When will their ears be ready to tell what breed they are? And how can you tell that the whites are cockerels? We're hoping to have only hens
If they are sex-linked, that means their parents were strategically bred so that males and females were born in different colors for easy identification. Red chicks would be females, and white ones males.
The red ones are female red sex-links; the white ones are either White Leghorns, White Rocks, or male Red Sex-links.
The red and white birds are Red Sex-LInks. The white birds are probably White Leghorns or White Plymouth Rocks.

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