I'm going to be upfront, I am knew to BYC AND raising chickens. Please be patient with me. Though I have done a lot of research. It will be a while until I get things down.
I have 5 total chicks at 6 weeks. 2 that are I'm almost 100% sure are Buff OP 1 is a roo, 1 I had initially thought was a Buff OP but I'm not so sure at this point it started getting dark spots in the tail feathers, and 1 that I'm starting to think is a EE but was hoping is was a Ameraucana, And the last one ? Is the light brown one a couple of pics below.
I bought the 2 golden ones and copper colored 1 at a local feed and seed store at 3 weeks old. Here are the pics at 3 weeks with just the first 3 that I thought were all Buff OP.

Here are all of them at all of them at 4 weeks old. They were "from" a hatchery in south Georgia. But like I said, I had bought them from a local feed and seed sore.

Here they are at 6 weeks.

And finally the one I think is a EE, but they sold them as Ameraucanas. As I've heard many people do.

Please ask questions, and tell me how or if I should take more pics.
I have 5 total chicks at 6 weeks. 2 that are I'm almost 100% sure are Buff OP 1 is a roo, 1 I had initially thought was a Buff OP but I'm not so sure at this point it started getting dark spots in the tail feathers, and 1 that I'm starting to think is a EE but was hoping is was a Ameraucana, And the last one ? Is the light brown one a couple of pics below.
I bought the 2 golden ones and copper colored 1 at a local feed and seed store at 3 weeks old. Here are the pics at 3 weeks with just the first 3 that I thought were all Buff OP.
Here are all of them at all of them at 4 weeks old. They were "from" a hatchery in south Georgia. But like I said, I had bought them from a local feed and seed sore.
Here they are at 6 weeks.
And finally the one I think is a EE, but they sold them as Ameraucanas. As I've heard many people do.
Please ask questions, and tell me how or if I should take more pics.