What breed is Gertie and her sisters Henny and Penny?


9 Years
Jul 10, 2014
Southwest Michigan
Bought Gertie as an Americauna at Tractor Supply mid April. :/. What breed do you think she is?



This is the backside of her next to her other "Americauna" sister Henrietta. I don't have other good pics of Henrietta but have no clue what breed she is either.
I agree, she looks like a Buff Orpington.

Mine looked like her when they were younger, and now that they are older they have filled out a fair bit.

The size difference could be attributed to their different genetics.

She is lovely!

X2 on Gertie being a Buff Orpington pullet. I can't see her comb very well, but Henrietta, who is standing next to her in the top pic, appears to be a Black Australorp. Both of those are excellent breeds; very hardy, calm and gentle, and good layers (Australorps in particularly excellent layers).

Here is Gertie putting her wing around Henny (Henrietta) and Penny on the roost. My other Orpingtons are on the lower roost.

They all have a crazy pink hue due to the bright pink of the coop interior.
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The black bird's most likely an Australorp. You won't get the pretty colored eggs, but I think other than that you'll be very happy with each of those breeds as backyard birds.

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