What breed is he?


Apr 19, 2019
Poteet, Texas
I am too new to the chicken keeping to know too many breeds and since he migrated here from the neighbors I don't know his breed. Doubt the neighbors do either because I doubt they know (or care) he is gone..... He isn't overly friendly but he isn't aggressive either. He used to show up on occasion then leave but now he stays. He is content to stay in the pen with my girls and when I let them out to free range he sticks around and goes back in with them and stays in the coop with them at night. So I figured if he is going to stay I should know what breed he is. Thanks for the help!
Junior 2.jpg
I am too new to the chicken keeping to know too many breeds and since he migrated here from the neighbors I don't know his breed. Doubt the neighbors do either because I doubt they know (or care) he is gone..... He isn't overly friendly but he isn't aggressive either. He used to show up on occasion then leave but now he stays. He is content to stay in the pen with my girls and when I let them out to free range he sticks around and goes back in with them and stays in the coop with them at night. So I figured if he is going to stay I should know what breed he is. Thanks for the help!View attachment 1903496 View attachment 1903498
Possibly welsummer or mixed?
Thanks for the help everyone. I suspected he may be a mix but like I said I am not familiar with all the breeds. The other "strays" around here are definitely mixed. He is the father and the mothers are some sort of mixed game hens. There's easily 15 to 20 young uns running around here at any given time, not counting my 4 hens and now the roo. Wish the neighbor would stop accumulating animals he has no intention of caring for.....

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