What breed is my chicken? (if any!)


5 Years
Sep 30, 2014
Hi I adopted this cockerel a couple of months ago after it was dumped where I work. I was wondering if it was a specific breed. Wanted to get him some hens because he's lonely :(
We've named him Humphrey

Oh Wow, he looks like my lil boys twin. :) Mine I believe is a cochin/ booted bantam cross. Here he is



BTW...he is very handsome and if he has the same disposition as mine he is very good to the ladies ;)
That is a Lavender Cochin cockerel. I had the matching hen, came from Ideal Poultry, and Shadow died two years ago. Miss her, but you definitely have a lavender Cochin bantam

Thank you
I thought his tail was not quite right. My other Cochins have a round ball instead of a tail :). He is from TSC so I am sure he is hatchery quality.
It could be that he is a D'Uccle/Cochin cross, but he has no trace of a beard, so hard to say. Hatchery quality does vary a great deal. My own hatchery bantam Cochin hen had vulture hocks, a no-no in Cochins, but proper in D'Uccles.

Here is Shadow when she was young:

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Looks like a Self Blue booted bantam to me. Booted Bantams don't have beards or muffs--that is the only characteristic that separates them from the very similar looking Belgian Bearded D'Uccle (which does have a muff/beard).

A Lavender Cochin is a possibility, but I'm leaning towards that not being the case since this bird has vulture hocks. Cochins should not have vulture hocks, though some lesser-quality specimens do.

Whatever he is, he's a very handsome little cockerel!
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Looks like a Self Blue booted bantam to me. Booted Bantams don't have beards or muffs--that is the only characteristic that separates them from the very similar looking Belgian Bearded D'Uccle (which does have a muff/beard).

A Lavender Cochin is a possibility, but I'm leaning towards that not being the case since this bird has vulture hocks. Cochins should not have vulture hocks, though some lesser-quality specimens do.

Whatever he is, he's a very handsome little cockerel!

You could very well be right but I'm saying that because of the stiffness of the foot feathering, not the vulture hocks. Cochins usually have softer feathers. I've seen vulture hocks on most hatchery Cochins, unfortunately. Mine sure had them!

I agree, he's adorable!

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