What breed is she? Anyone have a guess??

Easter Egger. The one in the back looks more like a Cuckoo Marans to me, may just be the picture though. She looks to dark for a Barred Rock.

Well, I finally got these two girls yesterday...the one in the front is sort of a reddish color with some grey in her, and the other one doesn't look like any of the pictures of Barred Rock that I've seen. She seems darker, if that makes sense. I'll have to wait and see what color eggs they lay and see if that helps determine what they actually are. We're prepping for Hurricane Irma and my quarantine coop is very small and temporarily in a spot where the water tends to pool if we get lots of rain, so I'll have to figure something else out. I wish you could just put everybody together and let them establish their "pecking" order, and that they would do it quickly with a minimum of upheaval. :(
Well, I finally got these two girls yesterday...the one in the front is sort of a reddish color with some grey in her, and the other one doesn't look like any of the pictures of Barred Rock that I've seen. She seems darker, if that makes sense. I'll have to wait and see what color eggs they lay and see if that helps determine what they actually are. We're prepping for Hurricane Irma and my quarantine coop is very small and temporarily in a spot where the water tends to pool if we get lots of rain, so I'll have to figure something else out. I wish you could just put everybody together and let them establish their "pecking" order, and that they would do it quickly with a minimum of upheaval. :(
Congratulations on your new birds! Hope all goes well and you make it through the hurricane without any damage or loss.

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