What breed is this chick?


12 Years
Jul 1, 2007
Sorry, I don't have any pics...but hopefully my describing skills are good enough.

I helped my dad pick out some chicks for his farm, and now that I might get some chicks, I want to get the same kind I picked out for him...

The chick was a little smaller than all the rest of the day old chicks. It was a grayish-whitish color and it had one thick dark brown stripe from the top of its head down it back. I saw the chicks a couple weeks later and the rhode island red chicks were huge and this little guy was still about the same size as when I first saw him. When I went with my dad, I helped him pick out six chicks: 3 rhode island reds, 2 cochins, and then this little guy. I believe he is a bantam because he is soooo teeny! But I don't know what it is.

Sorry if my description was horrible -which it is- but I will try to find a picture...
Ok heres a pic (I forgot I had it.) It is the littlest chick in the front. (Oh and I know there is only one rhode island red, but I forgot what the others were so I just said they were rhode island red so you would know that they are about the same size.) Anyway....does anyone know what it is?

I know that's why I want one too!

I think it might be a cochin, but I could be wrong.... I really have no idea...
Here is a picture that is much more recent. Notice how small it still is, like it hadn't grown at all...


(I know- the bottom of the cage is really dirty. I took this pic right before I cleaned the cage, though, so don't worry....)
the ones with stripes on their backs look like Easter Eggers. EE are Ameraucana crosses that hatcheries mistakingly sell as americana/araucanas. They lay blue, pink, or green eggs.

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