What breed is this green egg laying hen??


Aug 19, 2022
Thanks in advance for any help!

I thought I was getting a barred rock but it became clear pretty early on the coloring was off. I thought her coloring looked similar to an Easter egger I used to have - but this hen developed a full large comb pretty early on (rather than a pea comb) and does not have any tufts of feathers on her cheeks. Then she developed white earlobes. And finally to my surprise she started laying light olive green colored eggs. Please help me - what kind of hen is this?!
I thought her coloring looked similar to an Easter egger I used to have - but this hen developed a full large comb pretty early on (rather than a pea comb) and does not have any tufts of feathers on her cheeks. Then she developed white earlobes. And finally to my surprise she started laying light olive green colored eggs. Please help me - what kind of hen is this?!
I would call her an Easter Egger (because she lays colored eggs, and does not belong to any pure breed I know of.)

For quite some years, most Easter Eggers looked like wanna-be Ameraucanas (pea combs, muffs on the face), but now it's becoming common to also see ones with single combs and no muffs. Those ones usually trace back to Cream Legbars instead of Ameraucanas. Any of the Easter Egger versions can have any color of earlobes, just to keep us guessing ;)

She's pretty!

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