What breed is this rooster?


5 Years
Apr 28, 2014
Can someone tell me what breed this rooster is? We got him as chick and all the chicks were supposed to be hens... He is really pretty but unfortunately he has to go I don't need or want a rooster.. I would like to know his breed before I try and sell him. I appreciate any help identifying him.

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He has some barring but he's not a Rock--wrong color feathering, body type is off and the pink legs say something else. Maybe cuckoo Marans?
I'm pretty sure he's not a barred rock, the guy only had fancier breeds and I know said one chick was a maran so that is what I'm thinking he might be. I searched the internet and found a black birchen maran that looks similar to him but who knows?? Thanks for all your input.

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