What breed is this?


7 Years
Apr 3, 2012
Eastern OHIO
I bought 8 chicks this spring from a farm supply store. They were supposed to be Rhode Island Red, Buff Orphington, Silver Lace Wynndot, and Auracauna. They were all labeled as pullets. One "hen" got bigger than the others and began bullying the rest of the flock, one to the point where she would hide every time "she" came near. I've put this hen in solitary confinement in an attempt to re-set the pecking order (as suggested on this site). While sitting outside I heard a crow that was NOT my rooster Louie. I listened carefully to hear where it was coming from and lo and behold... it was my "hen" Amelia in solitary! Amelia is actually Amelio. I had thought the larger comb was just normal for the breed, but not that I can really examine the legs I can see a place where the spur will develop. First of all... What breed is this? Is it common to get a chick labeled as pullet to be a cockerel? Do I have a freak of nature? I already have a rooster, he's old and would probably not survive a fight. Could he still be happy separated from the rest of the flock or should I re-home him? Now that he's separated from the rest of the flock, they've returned to normal. Suggestions please.


  • Amelio the rooster.jpg
    Amelio the rooster.jpg
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He is an Easter egger or americauna or whatever they call it. Hens will get little bumps there too but I do agree that's a cockerel. He probably thinks he's all that and everyone wants to shag - the girls disagree and think he has cuties. When they are ready they would allow his advances. I'm surprised your roo didn't set him in his place at an early age.
It is very common to get a rooster from feed store bins.

The sexing is only 90% or so accurate. Workers have to tried to read very tiny bumps in chick vents at a day old age. Pretty tricky, so you'll have some errors.

Typically if I get 10 chicks, I get 1 rooster, at least.

I agree with others. Easter Egger rooster. If he is nasty, rehome or eat.


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