What breed is this?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 24, 2013
Buckley, Michigan
I am guessing that "she" is a she. I have no idea the breed of her. She was white then started to show red in her wings and now it is more red. The pictures are from a week ago. She has more red on her now. Some on her chest too. She is 8 weeks old now and 7 weeks old in the pictures. Thank you for your time!

I got them all from TSC. I got two as you would call Amber Links from them. They are suppose to have black on their beaks. As you can see this one doesn't. I got it out of the same bin as my barred rock. Here are some I just took today.
The "supposed to have black on the beak" bit is problematic by nature of the creation of a hybrid (mixed breed) bird - the expression of the breeds used to create the mix can vary greatly so there really is no way to set an expectation of characteristics.
~~I didn't think TSC sold mix breeds. I look on their site for the breeds they carry and I can't find anything. So frustrating...
I just wish I knew. I hate not knowing what breed I have. Don't get me wrong I love all my chickens. I just wish I knew.
If anyone has any picture of theirs that we could compare that would be great thanks.
~~I didn't think TSC sold mix breeds. I look on their site for the breeds they carry and I can't find anything. So frustrating...
I just wish I knew. I hate not knowing what breed I have. Don't get me wrong I love all my chickens. I just wish I knew.
If anyone has any picture of theirs that we could compare that would be great thanks.

They don't sell mixed breeds as such--they sell commercial hybrids. The hybrids are mixes, but planned mixes for certain uses. Kind of like a Labradoodle is a mutt, but a special kind of mutt with a name. Various TSCs order from different hatcheries. They usually use hatcheries that are relatively near the local market. Near us, TSCs get their birds from Mt. Healthy. The birds aren't bred by TSC or anything. That means that you'll find different breeds from different hatcheries at different TSCs.

Amberlinks, Red Stars, Black Stars, Golden Comets, Golden Buffs, Tetra Tints--these are all hybrids. Some are bred for the backyard chicken keeper market like Tetra Tints, some are usually used by commercial layer houses. They are bred to be calm, low mortality, and lay lots and lots of large eggs with good internal structure (few blood and/or meat spots).

Your bird has some Rhode Island Red in its heritage. Other than that, who knows? It's some type of commercial hybrid. And as far as Tetra Tints having black on their beaks--I keep a bunch of these, ordered directly from the hatchery (no mistakes in feed store bins) and none of them have black on their beaks.

If you REALLY want to know, call the TSC where you bought the birds and ask for the name of the hatchery. Then look on the hatchery website to see which varieties they breed. You should be able to figure it out from there.
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Quite honestly, from a Standard of Perfection point of view, they don't sell any breeds. They sell, as Walking on Sunshine and Old Grey Mare stated above, the birds sold by TSC are hatchery sourced birds. Many are commercial hybrids, some of which may have marketing names to distinguish them, but that doesn't make them breeds.

The "mixing" is done intentionally at the hatchery to produce top layer or quick growing broilers.

Some of these mixed hybrids make some of the best egg layers you can find. That is what they were bred to do.

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