What breed it this??


In the Brooder
May 9, 2015
Jersey Giants, barred rocks, cuckoo marans, black copper marans, dominiques, all look very very similar as chicks. What color are the legs?
Some have black feet. And some have black feet with like white toes.@Apocha14
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Hm, mayor Dominiques. I'm not an expert on leg color... If you google those breeds as chicks I'd say they're not jersey Giants. How old are they? My cuckoos and barred started the barring at 3 weeks ish.
Maybe you got lucky and got some black copper marans! Where did you get them? Maybe so,done else can shed some light on the barring, I just know my cuckoo is 5 weeks and she's been barred liked that for weeks!
Well I friend gave me some eggs and I hatched them and we both had no clue what they were. But don't Marans have feathers on there feat? @Apocha14
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