What breed layed this egg?


10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
Northeastern Michigan
I don't think I have any breeds that lay an egg this color (very off white or dirty white). What breeds of chickens could lay an egg this color? Or can a chickens egg shell color change from day to day?

The egg is the smallest one (top row middle) its in with some white eggs to contrast its color (it looks a little more white then it is because of the lighting)

I have Black stars, Ancona, black minorca, buttercup, EEs- laying right now + a mystery chicken that showed up but I think she lays a big brown egg.
I'm wondering if I have another chicken around that I just haven't seen yet thats getting in the coop from time to time. Tell me what you all think.
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I have breeds who lay white eggs but thats the thing they all "lay white eggs" and then every so offten I find this odd off white weird colored egg. I've had days where I get a white egg from every hen that lays a white egg and a brown egg from every hen that lays a brown egg and then I find this egg in the coop and I'm like what the heck. So someone is either laying two eggs somedays and two different colored eggs at that or some other chicken breed is getting in my coop. I don't know what to think?
I'm pretty sure its not from one of my EEs they all lay green eggs except 2 one lays a pink egg and the other a brown egg. Is it possible for shell color to change in the span of a single day like a white egg in the morning and a off white egg later on.

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